What Is A DUI Assessment?

When you get a DUI, you will likely encounter many legal mechanisms designed to prevent you from getting another DUI in the future. In addition to the criminal penalties that you may face, you may also be asked to undergo a DUI assessment. This FAQ will help you understand what a DUI assessment is and why a DUI assessment can be helpful. What is a DUI assessment? A DUI assessment is an evaluation of your chemical dependency. [Read More]

3 Tips To Help You Overcome Your Depression

Depression comes in all shapes and sizes. Anyone can be affected at any point in time. From someone who just gave birth to someone who lost a loved one, depression can affect your life in ways you never imagined possible. Instead of letting it take control of your life, it's time you turn things around and take control of it. You can overcome depression by following the three tips below. [Read More]

Lavender Oil: A Natural Way To Treat Anxiety And Depression

If you have been feeling down for weeks or months, seeking help from a counselor can be an effective way to treat your problem. Feeling down can be caused by anxiety and depression, and talking things out with a counselor can make a difference. In addition, you might want to try using lavender essential oil to help you find relief too. This is a natural way to treat anxiety and depression, and it can be extremely effective if your symptoms are mild to moderate. [Read More]

Getting The Most Out Of Your Time With Your Life Coach

If you are thinking about working with a life coach to hone in on personal goals, there are a few things that you can do to make this a more effective experience. Just seeing a life coach won't automatically cause change, you will need to be an active participant in the process. Here are four ways you can make the most out of your life coach sessions and goals. 1. Pick the Right Life Coach [Read More]