How To Get Help For Drug Addiction With No Insurance

Dealing with a drug or chemical dependency can be very difficult.  It could cause you to lose the support of friends, family members or even jobs.  Coming to grips with the fact that you need help is the first step in the right direction.  However, once you realize that you can't do it alone, the monetary factor comes into play.  What do you do to get help if you don't have the medical insurance coverage that you need to get well?

2 Reasons To Seek Marriage Counseling Before You Really Need It

When you think of marriage counseling, you may picture a couple that is on the brink of divorce sitting in an office trying to work through major problems. While this is true in many cases, other couples choose to seek counseling before they reach this point. If you are starting to experience minor problems in your marriage, you too may want to consider getting help now. Here are two benefits marriage counseling can offer, even when the problems you have seem minor.

Saving Your Marriage: 3 Ways To Move On From Infidelity In A Marriage

Infidelity is a common obstacle that married couples have to face. In fact, approximately 25 to 50% of divorcees cite a spouse's infidelity as the primary cause of their divorce in western countries. Most couples cannot move on from extra-marital affairs, and the marriage typically ends in divorce. However, for those who would still like to reconcile and reignite former passions within the marriage, marriage counseling is almost always a must.

How to Overcome Your Fear of Couples Counseling

Couples or marriage counseling can save a marriage in trouble or make a mediocre relationship a great one. Yet, it can be difficult to muster the courage to attend the first session. Often, the refusal to seek counseling is done out of fear – fear that your weaknesses and failings will be held up to the light for everyone to scrutinize. Here's how to prepare for the first session so you can overcome any fears or misgivings and begin the work necessary to save your relationship.

When Your Life Seems Like An Unsatisfying Roller Coaster Of Crises

If you have spent your life reeling from one catastrophe to the next, or going through a roller coaster of tumultuous emotions, and have trouble have trouble maintaining satisfying relationships with other people, you may fall in complete despair and feel life is not worth living. There are some things you can do to improve your life and feel happier. Develop Some Insight It could be therapeutic to take a look at your initial environment.