Does Your Child Need Pediatric Therapy After Divorce?

Divorce is a major issue for any couple to go through, but it's also incredibly difficult for a child to go through. Going through a divorce can cause significant emotional and mental trauma for a child. This is why it's important that parents consider the need for pediatric therapy when going through a divorce. Pediatric therapists specialize in helping children cope with the effects of divorce, from anxiety to depression to behavioral issues.

3 Strategies To Help You Stop Your Cycle Of Self-Sabotage

Most people would say that they want to be successful in life. Unfortunately, success is often thwarted by feelings of worthlessness or shame. Self-sabotage starts to occur when someone has an unhealthy relationship with their emotions. Instead of being open to the possibility of feeling rejection, disappointment, or pain, a person who self-sabotages will avoid taking action to avoid feeling these emotions. Here are three strategies that you can employ to help you overcome your tendency to self-sabotage in the future.

Why You May Want To Seek Therapy After The Death Of A Loved One

Few things are more difficult to deal with than the death of a loved one. Whether the death was sudden or anticipated, it can cause you great pain. However, if you go to grief counseling, you may be able to move on from the loss in time. Here are a few reasons to seek therapy after the death of a loved one. Teach Coping Mechanisms When you first lose a loved one, it can be very difficult for you to cope with your life.

Choose Outpatient Drug Addiction Treatment For A Happier, Healthier Life

Drug addiction comes in many forms. Some people become addicted to prescription medication, while others become addicted to street drugs. You can get help for your addiction by signing up for an outpatient counseling program. Here are some ways that outpatient drug addiction treatment can help people with substance abuse problems: 1. Treat mild addictions before they become more severe. Some people may think they don't need drug addiction treatment because their lives are not out of control.

How Do Child Therapists Provide Trauma Treatment For Kids?

Trauma can negatively affect kids' emotional and mental growth if it is not treated. Fortunately, child therapists can provide trauma treatment for kids. Here are four techniques used to help kids and adolescents deal with various types of trauma: 1. Provide a safe space where kids can open up about their traumatic experiences.   Talking about trauma can be difficult, even for adults. It can be even more difficult for kids who may not have the emotional and verbal language to express themselves.

Do You Worry You Have A Depressed Teenager? Prepare This Information And Call A Mental Health Psychologist Today

Does your teen seem to be struggling to enjoy school, have a social life, or want to leave the house? If so, you want to see a mental health professional and get the teen evaluated. Teens today have a lot of struggles that weren't issues for generations in the past, like social media, dealing with virtual or hybrid learning, high expectations, and more. If your teen is struggling, you want to get them help before it gets any worse.