3 Strategies To Help You Stop Your Cycle Of Self-Sabotage
Most people would say that they want to be successful in life. Unfortunately, success is often thwarted by feelings of worthlessness or shame.
Self-sabotage starts to occur when someone has an unhealthy relationship with their emotions. Instead of being open to the possibility of feeling rejection, disappointment, or pain, a person who self-sabotages will avoid taking action to avoid feeling these emotions.
Here are three strategies that you can employ to help you overcome your tendency to self-sabotage in the future.
1. Become More Aware of Yourself
It can be helpful to start your battle against self-sabotage by taking inventory of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The more self-aware you become, the better you will be at spotting potential triggers that might send you spiraling into a cycle of self-sabotage.
Start by defining a goal that you have been trying to reach. Next, identify any behaviors and actions that are stopping you from reaching this goal. Think about why you are engaging in these behaviors and actions.
You will likely find that there is a negative thought telling you why you can't reach your goal tied to each self-sabotaging behavior and action. Exposing these negative thoughts allows you to rationalize them away so that you can move toward greater success in the future.
2. Create an Action Plan
It's not enough merely to identify the source of your self-sabotage; you must be prepared to create an action plan that will allow you to overcome the obstacles that you place in your own way.
Take each of the behaviors or actions that you identified during your journey to self-awareness and determine how you will specifically address each one in the future. Put your action plan into writing so that you can review it on a regular basis.
Being able to take action to change your thoughts and behaviors will allow you to free yourself from any negative patterns that are keeping you from your goals.
3. Seek Professional Coaching
It can be challenging for a lot of people to identify their own self-sabotage triggers. The response to these triggers can be so deeply embedded that they have become a trusted coping mechanism.
Having the help of a professional life coach will allow you to dig deep and discover the root of your self-sabotage. A coach can also help you define your action plan and serve as a source of accountability.
Professional life coaching will help you stay motivated to overcome self-sabotage and find future success.
Look for options like a self-sabotage coaching course to learn more.